No exaggeration: reading Cute! will…
— make your hair grow long and luxuriant!
— allow you to feel all the good emotions at the same time
— make you laugh and laugh and laugh!
Don’t believe me? Fine! Then read what the School Library Journal said:
Filled with fun facts and interesting tidbits, CUTE! is a book that tweens and teens are sure to flip through again and again. It’s just the kind of title kids will flock to in their libraries and media centers… [This is] a well-researched look at what people find so appealing and why.
Wait, you’re still not convinced? Sheesh. Well, here’s what writer Tina Nichols Coury had to say about it.
Every time I go to a family gathering, the first question I hear when I come in is, “Did you bring us a new Bart King book?” It has become a sort of family parlor game to read out loud from Bart’s books.
Bart King can write a funny book about almost anything. When his publishing house sent me his new book, Cute, I wondered how he could make such a girly thing funny. He didn’t disappoint. My family thought it was a scream, the boys and girls alike. From puppies to babies, Bart King found the humor in it all.